
(Frankie) #1

(^64) Winter 2019
Color Element(s) Stitch
Monkey grass Large flower stems Back stitch
Dot flower stems,
large flower
Stem stitch stems, back
stitch stamens
Beehive, bee
stripes, large
flower centers
Chain stitch hive
outline, begin at
bottom of each side and
meet at top center, satin
stitch flower centers,
back stitch bee stripes
Deep sea
Large middle
flower outline,
daisy centers, dots
in background,
cross on beehive
Back stitch flower
outline and cross,
French knots for daisy
Left and right large
flower outlines
Back stitch
Dot flowers and
daisy petals
French knots, lazy daisy
Molasses Bee and bee trails
Back stitch bee, running
stitch trails

  1. Trim the four rectangles to 4½" x 6½" with the bottom raw edge, ¼"
    down from the stitching. Cut out the circles with a small seam allowance,
    then appliqué them to the four 4½" light green check squares.

  2. Referring to the Quilt Assembly Diagram sew the two 1½" x 10½" red
    floral inner border strips to each side of the 10½" square beige print center.

  3. Sew two 1½" purple floral squares to each end of a 1½" x 10½" red floral
    inner border strip to make the top inner border. Repeat to make the bottom
    inner border strip.

  4. Sew the two red floral inner borders from Step 6 to the top and bottom of
    the center unit from Step 5.

  5. With right sides togther, sew together three 1½" x WOF green print strips
    to create a strip set.

  6. Sub-cut the strip set into eight 3½" x 4½" segments.

31 / 2 "

41 / 2 "

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