one thing and then do another, driving
you to distraction. Have fun, but don’t
expect consistency. Second Week. Your
taste is changing regarding romantic pros-
pects, and you’re favoring those who are
more free-thinking than your previous
heartthrobs. Third Week. A friend may
become something more, but make certain
all motives are on the up and up before you
take the plunge. Fourth Week. A cross-cul-
tural or education-related attraction pres-
ents a positive outcome. Cupid merges
passion with shared interests, and you’re
falling hard.
HMONEY: Bringing theories down
to brass tacks turns heads and boosts
expense accounts. On the 1st, Venus
enters Sagittarius, your house of credit
cards, joint checking, taxes, mortgages,
interest rates, and financial settlements
(the 8th) making shared billing less of
a hands-on chore and thus a much sim-
pler affair. Venus conjoins Jupiter in
Sagittarius on the 24th, inflating pay-
ments and presenting dubious expenses.
The New Moon in Sagittarius on the
26th makes funds slip through the cracks;
return to watchful management.
HHEALTH: On the 12th the Full
Moon in Taurus activates the house
of your appearance and vitality (the
1st). Strengthening your constitution and
building resistance to disease becomes
a priority, using a regimen of mindful
eating and diligent exercise. Strenuous
physicality isn’t the priority; it’s estab-
lishing a slow and gentle process of
increasing cardiovascular endurance,
giving your muscles a workout and
enhancing wellness on all levels. The
Moon transits Libra on the 22nd and
23rd, tempting you with calorie-laden
food and invitations to idleness.
HLOVE: First Week. Venus enters
Sagittarius, your house of partnerships (the
7th) inclining a prospective partner to walk
into your life. Second Week. Swooning over
a meal, a pet, or a discovery in your daily
routine forges a strong bond. Third Week.
You’ll look twice at someone in a store, a
medical setting, a library, or a government
building. Subtle signals are sent. Fourth
Week. The New Moon in Sagittarius on
the 26th opens new territory for discovery.
Introductions sow seeds of romance.
HMONEY: Saturn in Capricorn sextiles
Neptune retrograde in Pisces on the 8th,
giving your joint accounts more structure
and clarity. Saving for the future comes
into sharp focus, as you put a plan in place
to ensure a firm foundation. The transit-
ing Moon in Cancer opposes Saturn in
Capricorn on the 16th, and then Pluto on
the 17th, setting up different viewpoints on
determining a monthly cash flow versus
long-term investing. Your partner prefers
to keep money in circulation.
HHEALTH: On the 12th, the Full Moon
in Taurus places the spotlight in the house
of solitude, privacy, and recuperation (the
12th). Soothing your delicate nerves in a
natural setting does more for your wellbe-
ing than any over-the-counter remedy, so
you’ll take steps to eliminate destructive
habits that may have a harmful effect on
your health. Mercury stations direct in
Scorpio on the 20th, your house of health
maintenance (the 6th). Take a stand on a
medical matter and stick to it.
HLOVE: First Week. Your heart goes pit-
ter-patter at someone in a store, a medical
setting, or in the service industry. Second
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