Week. Cupid hovers over a conversation
on topics that are clandestine, financial,
or mysterious. Probing for clues generates
heartthrobs. Third Week. On the 20th,
Mercury stations direct in the house of
romance (the 5th). Last week’s questions
are answered. Fourth Week. Taking care of
business with your significant other rein-
forces the ties that bind. Open dialogues
tie the knot.
HMONEY: You consider your home
sweet home to be sacred, so you’ll spend
on upgrades, decor, and family gatherings.
The Moon transits Aquarius on the 3rd and
4th, the house of your partner’s income,
credit cards, shared expenses, taxes, loans,
and debts (the 8th). Unique situations here
create opportunities to save hard-earned
dollars without feeling a pinch, and it’s
in your best interest to take advantage of
them. A sudden incident during the last
week creates unforeseen expenses.
HHEALTH: On the 1st, Venus enters
Sagittarius, your house of health mainte-
nance (the 6th). An optimistic approach
to medical concerns negates worrying on
your part, but on the 24th Venus conjoins
Jupiter in Sagittarius, bringing news that
alleviates trepidation, real or imagined,
about your physical condition. The New
Moon in Sagittarius on the 26th launches
changes in your diet, vitamins, or exercise
regimen. Keeping track of your caloric
intake is a priority to offset unwanted inch-
es and pounds.
HLOVE: First Week. After the meet and
greet the ball gets rolling. Flirting becomes
a free for all; let the games begin! Second
Week. Cupid throws a curve ball, and disil-
lusionment follows. Mixed messages come
across in your social circle. Third Week.
Love walks in with all the right credentials
in an atmosphere of generosity, abundance,
and benevolence. Fourth Week. The New
Moon in Sagittarius on the 26th injects
your love life with education, broadened
perspectives, and adventure.
HMONEY: On the 19th and 20th the
Moon transits Virgo, the house of your
cash flow (the 2nd). Recent extravagance
needs reconciling in those columns of
checks and balances, and even if your
bottom line is iffy you’re able to isolate
mistakes and make corrections. Mercury
stations direct in Scorpio on the 20th
in your house of home and family (the
4th). Longstanding family issues related to
spending can be identified and rectified at
this time.
HHEALTH: Your penchant for living it
up in the grand style misrepresents your
iron-clad work ethic and sense of duty.
You’ll work longer hours than your peers,
simply because they fall back and can’t
keep up your tireless pace. Your joints are
especially vulnerable to injury, particular-
ly your knees, so avoid minor bumps and
bruises; neglect here can have long-term
effects. Attempts to relax on the 16th and
17th are met with more tasks that need
your undivided attention.
HLOVE: First Week. Romance goes on
hold, unless you have an older established
professional in your crosshairs. If you
want fun, organize it. Second Week. Saturn
in Capricorn sextiles Neptune retrograde
in Pisces, turning a date into a working
relationship. Seize the day. Third Week.
The right words at the right make all the
difference; you’ll know when to say them.
Fourth Week. Neptune stations direct in the
house of relationships (the 7th). Embrace
22 Horoscope Guide