the change in dynamics with your partner.
HMONEY: Mars transits Libra in the
house of your cash flow, jangling the
scales of justice and the bottom line in your
accounts receivable and accounts payable.
Balancing these two columns becomes a
juggling act, but your eagle eye for mis-
takes arrives at a bottom line that makes all
the numbers line up to your exacting satis-
faction. On the 9th and 10th the Moon tran-
sits Aries, your house of credit cards and
your partner’s income (the 8th). Buying
now and paying later raises interest rates.
HHEALTH: A minor medical malady
occurs during the first week, but whether
it’s an allergic reaction that’s suddenly
triggered, or just a nagging paper cut,
you’ll meet it head-on with remedies both
traditional and progressive that ease the
pain and stimulate healing. On the 18th and
19th the Moon transits Leo, your house of
recuperation (the 12th), inclining you to
pamper yourself during your downtime,
but the Moon transits Virgo on the 20th
and 21st, bringing a particular health issue
front and center.
HLOVE: First Week. You’ll look twice
at a neighbor or a commuter, and intro-
ductions from siblings and cousins may
alter your romantic timeline. Second Week.
Give your partner some downtime; con-
tinuous company can make anyone feel
crowded. A progressive trend unites you.
Third Week. Career commitments consume
your time and energy, leaving you little or
no time for fun and frolic. Fourth Week. A
sudden event throws you off balance, and
it takes two to restore it. Now you’re off
and running.
HMONEY: On the 12th, the Full Moon
in Taurus lights up the house of financial
settlements, taxes, shared billing, loans,
and debts (the 8th). Shrewd management
here makes money work for itself and
generates a profit with little or no effort on
your part. On the 20th, Mercury stations
direct in Scorpio, the house of your values
and cash flow (the 2nd), helping you sort
out excessive expenditures and assess them
against unnecessary penury in other areas.
HHEALTH: On the 6th and 7th the Moon
transits Pisces, your house of medical
treatments, diet, and exercise (the 6th).
These matters take a back seat to conve-
nience, comfort, and how you’re feeling at
the moment. Meals, vitamins, and work-
outs are either done on the fly or not done
at all. You’re blase about schedules and
are inclined to go with the flow and watch
what happens. On the 27th, Neptune sta-
tions direct in Pisces, causing you to switch
gears with physicians.
HLOVE: First Week. Eerie premonitions
point you in the direction of a prospective
sweetheart. Let your intuition be your
guide. Second Week. Mars enters Scorpio
on the 19th, ratcheting up passion to full
throttle. Suspicions need to be handled
with care. Third Week. Texts and emails
get down to brass tacks, but approach-
es and plans are laced with sweetness.
Manners count. Fourth Week. Cupid does
a turnaround and presents another set of
circumstances. You’ll move forward one
way or another.
HMONEY: On the 1st, Venus enters
Sagittarius, the house of your income (the
2nd), inclining you to spend more freely
than usual and pay little or no regard for
price tags. A philosophical approach about
buy now, pay later prevails over keeping
a close watch on your daily debts. When
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