(avery) #1

to GND or VCC and triggers a change in state. This
then triggers the game to make our character jump,
or spaceship fire its weapons. There are six wires that
are directly attached to the electronics. These are for
power, an interrupting power switch, and the speaker.
Connection between the electronics and the screen
is via a custom cable, held in place but rather fragile.
The screen is a cheap LCD measuring approximately
5 cm × 3.5 cm, but there is scope to add your own
miniature screen, and space to add a slightly larger
screen, such as those from Adafruit or Pimoroni. Also
present on the board are a number of test points,
used in the factory to test the board, and we can use
them to bridge connections, fix broken wires, and tap
into the power supplied from the batteries.
But the most visible part of the electronics is a big
grey ribbon cable at the bottom of the PCB. This links
to another PCB hidden under the controls. This PCB
is tricky to get out as it is screwed in place and you
cannot get a conventional screwdriver in there, so we
used a ratcheting offset screwdriver and revealed a
simple PCB that uses the same conductive pads to
detect input. We could easily reuse this board with
an arcade-to-USB interface that can provide more
functionality and enable us to use the stock controls
with a Pi Zero! Upon closer inspection there are also
three unpopulated connections for LEDs, so we could
use those to add lights to this tiny cabinet.

As a gadget the cabinet is fun, but as a chassis
on which we can create our own miniature arcade
cabinet, it is sublime. It has the internal volume
necessary for a Pi Zero W and a USB breakout board,
and we can easily add a new screen to replace the
custom display. Being able to reuse the controls
via the USB breakout board means the outside
appearance of the unit will not change. For £20, this
is a bargain and we can have a lot of fun building our
own cabinet without the need for a laser cutter or
3D printer! All we need are some screwdrivers and a
soldering iron.
Happy hacking!

The controls for the
cabinet are housed
in a separate PCB,
which we can
reuse with a USB
breakout board to
control a RetroPie
cabinet and retain
the original look of
the cabinet
The PCB is reused
from a handheld
console, and we
can see the pads
that were previously
used used for the


Building your own arcade cabinet is not that difficult,
seriously! A quick look on eBay and we can find
bartop (i.e. to fit on a table) cabinet kits that include
all of the electronics and parts needed to build the
project. All you need to do is add a screen, Raspberry
Pi / Asus Tinkerboard etc., and connect everything
up and you have a working cabinet. Using software
such as RetroPie retropie.org.uk, we can easily
configure the cabinet to run games from the dawn of
video gaming using emulators such as MAME (Multi
Arcade Machine Emulator) up to the PlayStation
era, so around 20–30 years of gaming history. But
where do you get the games? Well, this is where
it gets a little murky. Game files for emulators are
called ROMs, as arcade cabinets originally had their
games delivered on large circuit boards filled with
ROM (read-only memory) chips.These ROM files are
still under copyright, which means distributing or
copying them is illegal, but many sites offer them for
free download. There’s a community of developers
creating ROMs that can be shared. There’s a
selection available at romhacking.net/homebrew
that you can use freely.
Free download pdf