(avery) #1
he Creative Robotics & Interactive
Construction Kit (Crickit) for Circuit
Playground Express (CPX) is an add-
on board for the CPX for interfacing
with physical hardware. It adds a
range of hardware controllers, including
two motor controllers (5 V, 1A), four servo connections
(analogue or digital), four high current (500 mA)
outputs, a class-D 3 W audio output, and four capacitive
touch pins. Together, these enable you to control
almost any physical hardware you may want (the only


Adafruit Crickit for Circuit

Playground Express

ADAFRUIT $29.95 Adafruit.com

major limitation is for stepper motors – some will work
with the Crickit, but not all). All of these items are
designed to run at 5 V.
As microcontroller boards go, the Circuit Playground
Express isn’t naturally suited to add-on boards. Almost
all other small processing boards have a set of male or
female headers that you can easily push an expansion
board onto. The CPX, on the other hand, has a circular
array of larger holes designed for alligator clips. The
Crickit gets around this with six bolts that both hold the
CPX in place and create an electrical connection.
Like the CPX, the Crickit eschews the traditional
pin headers of many circuit boards. It’s designed to
be included in things – be they robots or some other
physical computing device – and as such, most of
the connections are robust. Most are screw terminal
blocks, which are both easy to connect/release and
reliable for connections on bits that move and bounce
around. The servo connections are male headers
that most servos can plug straight into, the
signal connections are male headers, and
the capacitive touch retains the large
circular connections of the CPX. There
is a micro USB jack, but this is for
debugging the SeeSaw controller
that handles the input/output on the
Crickit. Power comes via a 5 V 2.1 mm
jack connector that can take up to 4 A.
Be aware that while 9 V jacks such as
those used to power Arduinos will fit,
they will trip the eFuse, which only accepts
connections below 5.5 V.
There’s a mounting hole in each corner
of the octagonal PCB, which should give
you plenty of options for securely attaching it in
your project.

By Ben Everard ben_everard

A lot of hardware control for the Circuit Playground Express


Adafruit Crickit for Circuit Playground Express

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