(avery) #1

Gretchen’s work has been
exhibited around the USA,
as well as in Australia and
South Korea

Gretchen Green, steel sculptor
“For me, the Artisan’s Asylum has been an incredibly
positive transformational force in my life.
“One day two years ago, walking to my job as
a corporate tax lawyer ... I read an article about
Stompy the Hexapod. With that article, I discovered
the Asylum.
“I took a beginning metalworking class. In four
Sunday afternoons that summer, I learned to
weld. I learned to use the plasma cutter. Amazing
things happened.
“I made work unlike any I had made before, and
yet in that work, I could feel all the things I’ve done
before. Everything fit.
“Brooklyn Boulders commissioned a large wall
sculpture. I was filmed by The Economist. My work
appeared in Boston.com. I performed on‑stage
in New York. I started showing and selling in
Massachusetts, California, and New York. I served on
the board of directors for the Asylum.
“For the last year, I’ve been working full‑time as a
professional sculptor, something I never imagined I’d
be doing, and something I don’t believe I ever would
have done if I hadn’t found the Asylum.
“The Asylum has given me the training, the tools,
and the space to create and display large steel
sculptures. Our community has provided resources
and encouragement, both of which have helped me
launch and grow my business.
“I love the diversity, the knowledge, and the
generosity I have found. I love coming to work
every day.”

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