(avery) #1

Space of the month


We’d love you to get in
touch to showcase your
makerspace and the
things you’re making.
Drop us a line on Twitter
@HackSpaceMag or
email us at hackspace@
with an outline of what
makes your hackspace
special and we’ll take it
from there.


Sal Mancini, woodworker
“I’ve always found the term ‘maker’ strangely sterile.
I like to use the word ‘artist’, but I do realise that it
doesn’t cover everyone. This place is where MassArt
meets MIT. There’s a lot of really good cross‑pollination
there. I always took the word ‘asylum’ to mean a safe
place to be yourself, instead of ‘the loony bin’, which is
often what the term is associated with.
“In regard to how it’s impacted me, it’s a nice
validation of my skill set on a daily basis. It’s really nice
to have so many intelligent and creative people around
who inspire me and who I can learn from. I go almost
every day because it’s kind of like my second home.”

As well as a makerspace,
Artisan’s Asylum runs open
days catering for adults,
and smaller adults
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