(Marcin) #1

Anet Prusa A8


is 22 cm × 22 cm × 24 cm, which is enough for a wide
range of hobbyist needs. It comes with a heated bed
out of the box, which improves bed adhesion and
allows users to print in ABS and other materials that
are prone to warping. The A8 also supports printing
from an SD card, meaning you can add your files from
your software of choice to the SD card, plug it into
your printer, then select them using the LCD screen.
While this doesn’t sound wildly exciting, the alternative
is to have your machine plugged into a computer at
all times. This feature gives you the freedom to place
your printer anywhere in the house (pending partner/
housemate approval of course).

Getting down to brass tacks, the print quality from this
kit is not just good for the price, it’s plain good. You can
see the quality it’s capable of in our first ever print, and
we’ve never had any major issues with print quality
that haven’t been fixed with some form of calibration,
or by replacing cheap parts. You will quickly that learn
there are a plethora of factors that affect print quality
that could be the subject of a series of articles in

Anet Prusa A8

By Glenn Horan @batglenn13

3D printing that doesn’t break the bank

ANET AROUND £100 anet3d.com

The Anet Prusa A8 is
a basic, but capable,
3D printer for people
who like to tinker

he RepRap (replicating
rapid prototyper)
movement was
started in 2005, at the
University of Bath, as
a means of fulfilling
what sounds like something out
of the realms of science fiction –
to design and build a 3D printer
that can print its own parts, thus
being able to replicate itself.
Undoubtedly, the most popular
example of this paradigm is the
Prusa-style design, epitomised by the
‘Original Prusa i3’, currently on its third
iteration. The Anet Prusa A8 is a printer built on
the same open-source design, but at approximately
one seventh of the price.
This is a printer kit with a ~10-hour build-time.
If you are looking for something that works out
of the box, the A8 is not for you. All the tools you

need for the build are included in the box, and there
are both written instructions and a link to a set of
YouTube videos, where you can follow along with an
instructional build of the printer. We found building
the printer an enjoyable process, and it forces you to
acquire knowledge regarding the intimate workings of
your new toy.
While the A8 doesn’t have all the bells and whistles
of the ‘Original Prusa’, it has all the important features
that a decent 3D printer should have. The print volume


It comes with a heated bed out-of-the-box, which
improves bed adhesion and allows users to print in
ABS and other materials that are prone to warping

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