(Marcin) #1

themselves, but none of these are unique to the A8
and they affect virtually all 3D printers, regardless of
the price. We’ve had no issues printing in PLA, and
we’ve had good results printing in ABS, with a little bit
of tinkering in my slicer settings.
This brings me back to a point we made earlier;
because this is a kit that has been built from scratch,
you will know your way around this printer when it
comes to tinkering, upgrades, and (almost inevitably)
troubleshooting. Belt not tight enough? Easy – clip
this cable tie, tighten the belt, put on a new cable tie.
Clogged extruder? No problem – take it apart again and
remove the clog.

If you do decide to delve into the world of budget 3D
printing with the A8, you’re absolutely not going to
be on your own. This model has a huge and active
community of people happy to give you advice. The
reddit page for this model alone has 1800 subscribers,
Facebook has a number of groups, the biggest with
5800 members actively sharing their latest prints, tips,
and upgrades, as well as troubleshooting any and all
issues that could crop up.
Regarding upgrades, there are literally hundreds of
free designs online that you can print to improve the
A8. One of our favourites was the noise-dampening
feet that sit under our printer (so effective that they

used to trick the author into thinking the printer wasn’t
running when he was in the next room). For those who
wish to dive a little deeper into the firmware, you can
buy a third-party auto-levelling probe and set it up to
work with this printer, along with a custom-designed
mount, saving both time and resulting in the perfect
first layer every print.
This review wouldn’t be complete without
mentioning a key safety issue of this printer as
supplied: the heating rod for the extruder block is not
securely held in place. If it falls out, it will keep heating,
causing an obvious fire hazard. As bad as this sounds,
it is easily fixed either by updating the firmware on
the board to introduce thermal runaway protection
(a feature added in a more recent edition of the
firmware), or by taping the heat block into place using
heat-resistant tape (you could also easily and cheaply
replace the extruder block altogether).
This printer is a fantastic first 3D printer for people
who like to tinker. It does have its issues out of the
box, and you will be endlessly tinkering with it to try
to squeeze the very best out of it. What you save in
money, you’ll pay in time. If you want to print perfect
prints every time with minimal input, you will be better
served by a different machine. If you want to learn
about 3D printing, and have something you can build
and customise that produces surprisingly good results,
the A8 should be on your shopping list.

A great hacker’s
printer at an
almost too good
to be true price.

8 / 10


The author’s first ever
print – a low-polygon,
but high-resolution fox

A full-size Master
Chief helmet printed
by the Anet A8 in
around 16 different
pieces – sanded,
primed, and ready
for painting
Free download pdf