(sharon) #1

Lucy Rogers


ave you ever thought “If
it wasn’t for that person,
I wouldn’t be here doing
this now”?
There are many people
in our lives who probably
fit this description, but for me, and for the
makers, scientists, and engineers in the
UK who recently gave their own tributes,
Professor Heinz Wolff, who died in
December aged 89, was a huge influence.
Professor Heinz Wolff was a
scientist, an inventor, an academic,
and a television
personality – he
was best known
for hosting BBC
Two’s The Great
Egg Race from
1977 until 1986.
He made being
inquisitive, clever
and enthusiastic,
and even being a
geek – cool. This
was back before
the internet,
when my main
role models were
from the TV or magazines.
In The Great Egg Race, teams of three
were asked to “perform miracles in
science and technology using the sort
of materials which you would find in
your household or in your garage”. This
ranged from moving an egg, powered
only by an elastic band, to making a
cup of tea. Professor Heinz Wolff had a
natural sense of fun, and, through his
enthusiasm, he managed to share the
enjoyment he found in engineering.

I believe The Great Egg Race was the
first programme on TV that highlighted
making things using creativity and
imagination. To me, this helped make
being a Maker become acceptable.
People building things in their own
homes and sheds. Inventing, designing,
and making was not just for academics
or big industry. The Great Egg Race
led to other technology shows, such as
Scrap Heap Challenge and Robot Wars.
Professor Heinz Wolff thought it was
very important for people to be able to
use their hands

  • in a lecture
    he gave, when
    awarded the
    Edinburgh medal,
    he said:
    “Let me tell
    you an anecdote
    about my two
    sons – from the
    age of three,
    each had a work
    bench that I had
    made, that had
    telescopic legs,
    so that as the
    children grew, the workbenches grew
    with them. They were furnished with
    proper adult tools, which gave rise to
    comments amongst concerned relations
    about how dangerous this could be,
    however, my reply always was ‘even a
    three year old will stop sawing before
    the finger fell right off’.”
    If the measure of your life is how you
    positively affected the lives of others,
    Professor Heinz Wolff absolutely lived
    life to the full.

Heinz Wolff

A tribute to a pioneering maker


Lucy Rogers


Lucy is a maker, an engineer,
and a problem solver. She is
adept at bringing ideas to life.
She is one of the cheerleaders
for the maker industry and is
Maker-In-Chief for the Guild of
Makers: guildofmakers.org

Professor Heinz Wolff
was a scientist, an
inventor, an academic,
and a television
personality – he was best
known for hosting BBC
Two’s The Great Egg Race
from 1977 until 1986
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