
(John Hannent) #1

on Limbaugh, 70 , 77– 78

on regulatory capture, 103

on whites’ sense of loss, 67– 70

on working-class women, 74 , 75 , 77– 78

home health care aides, 93

home mortgage interest deduction, 100

home ownership, 102

honor. See social honor

hooks, bell, 53– 54

Human Rights Campaign, 110

human rights issues, 113


of professional elites, role of work in, 37– 38

of working class, role of family in, 39– 40 , 75

identity politics, 6


government policy on, 115– 116

Latino views on undocumented, 110– 111

in rural areas, 66

Trump’s rhetoric on, 64

white working-class views on, 66– 67

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