
(John Hannent) #1

implicit association test, 60– 61 , 117


of college graduates, 45 , 49 , 86

of elites, 10 , 91

of high school graduates, 45 , 49 , 91

as measure of masculinity, 91

of middle class, 3 , 9– 10

of the poor, 11

universal basic, 84

of working class, 3 , 10 , 11

independence, of nonelite children, 56

industrial policy, 84 , 90 , 99

inequality. See equality

Inglis, Robert, 100

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 87

international trade policy, 114

interracial coalitions, 59– 60 , 71– 72 , 131

Iraq, 118– 119

irony, vs. sincerity, as class divide, 30

“It Gets Better” Project, 105

jobs. See also specific types

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