
(John Hannent) #1

novelty, elites’ embrace of, 27– 28

nursing jobs, 93

Obama, Barack

approval ratings of, 64

and class culture gap, 121– 122

educational level of supporters of, 12

health care under, 13 , 100

stimulus program of, 98

student loans under, 105

trade policy of, 114

Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), 13 , 100

Olson, Ted, 32– 33

online college classes, 86

outsourcing, 89 , 114

parenting, 53– 57. See also families

elite approaches to, 54– 57

tag-team, 15 , 75– 76

working-class approaches to, 53– 57

patriotism, 102 , 106

Paul, Joel, 114

People for the American Way, 2

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