
(John Hannent) #1

people of color. See also specific groups

discrimination against ( see racism)

false choice between white working class and, 71 , 109– 110 , 130– 131

in presidential election of 2016, 110

Phillips, Frank, 114

pink-collar workers

men as, 91– 93

women as, 74

plumbers, 95

PME (professional-managerial elite), 10. See also professional elites

polarization, political, 3– 4 , 130


at Democratic convention of 1968, 123

and race, 116– 119

political correctness, opposition to, 4 , 64 , 71 , 78 , 110 , 129

political parties. See Democratic Party; Republican Party


class cluelessness among, 12 , 73 , 121– 122

likeability of, 79


class culture gap in, 121– 124

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