
(John Hannent) #1

fictional depictions of, 2– 3

income of, 3 , 10 , 11

mobility of ( see geographic mobility)

moral traits valued by, 16– 17 , 18 t , 111 ( see also values)

parenting approaches of, 53– 57

poverty among, 3

racism among ( see racism)

resentment of the poor among, 13– 23

resentment of professionals among, 25– 34

sexism among ( see sexism)

stereotypes of, 2– 3

strategies for liberal connecting with, 109– 119


discrimination against ( see sexism)

false choice between white working class and, 71 , 131

likeability as requirement for, 79

in military, 118– 119

women, elite

abortion views among, 115

glass ceiling facing, 73– 74 , 77

parenting approaches of, 55– 56

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