
(John Hannent) #1

stay-at-home motherhood among, 76– 77

women, working-class, 73– 78

abortion views among, 115

on blue-collar jobs, 74– 75

family in identity of, 75

on gender equality, 74 , 76 , 77

part- vs. full-time work by, 16

in pink-collar jobs, 74

stay-at-home motherhood as ideal of, 16 , 74– 77

Trump support among, 75 , 77

work. See jobs; specific types

work devotion, 37– 38 , 57 , 77

work ethic

of African-Americans, 62

of professional elites, 20 , 37– 38

of working class, 17– 20

working class. See also black working class; blue-collar workers; white working class

challenges of jobs of, 14– 15

definition and use of term, 10– 11

education of, 43– 52

elite approach to the poor vs., 4 , 5

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