3D World

(Sean Pound) #1
15 tips for working smarter in Maya

the current panel full screen. You
will still have that panel’s menu,
and Maya’s main menu so you can
access key items and tools. This will
enable you to focus just on the area
you’re working in and eliminate the
disorder. If you wish to return to the
previous layout simply hit Ctrl and
Space again.


rinse anD repeat
A useful tool in Maya is the
‘g’ key which repeats the last tool
action. It may not initially sound like
much, but it’s actually probably one

of the most useful shortcuts that
Maya has.
As an example, I recently had to
parent constraint a long series of
objects, so rather than going back
into the menus to select the tool
each time I could simply press ‘g’
to apply the same constraint, which
was much quicker.
Other examples are using the
Average Vertex tool, so you press
‘g’ to add another quick pass. This
is also handy when copying skin
weights from one mesh to a series
of others.


Manually eDit weights
Sometimes painting weights
doesn’t give you what you need,
and a stray vertex just won’t play
nicely. No matter how you orient
the model the brush stroke just
won’t catch that point.
Rather than painting the
weights, try manually editing
the values of the vertices in the
Component Editor so you get the
exact weights you need and on the
correct influences.
This can also be useful when
editing blendshape weights, so

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the Component editor
is an essential tool
for editing weight
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