3D World

(Sean Pound) #1
15 tips for working smarter in Maya

you can quickly divide a shape into
sections – left, right, upper, lower
and so on.


reset vertex positions
When working on a model
you may realise that you need part
of that mesh to be reverted to its
original state. As an example, let’s
say you need to divide it into two, a
left and right shape. You don’t have
to rebuild the model.
Just select the vertices you need
to reset and in the Channel Box you
will be able to see the coordinates
of each under the CVs tab. Simply
select them and then set them to 0
to reset.


learn basic
Repetitive tasks can be such a
chore and tools do exist that can
speed them up for you. However,
there are times when what you
need is either too specific or too
simple and a script to help just
doesn’t exist.
I would say this is one of the
most important tips in this article,
but take the time to learn some
MEL or Python.
MEL is probably the easiest to
get you started, as Maya outputs
the actions it performs in the script
editor, so all you need to do is pay
attention as you work and build
from there.


copy anD paste
If you need to move assets
from one version of Maya to
another, or you simply need to
duplicate them, a traditional Copy
and Paste will work well. Just as
you would with anything else in the
operating system, Ctrl+C will copy,
and Ctrl+V will paste.
The annoying aspect is that the
assets will be duplicated with a
‘pasted__’ prefix, but you can easily
remove that using the Search and
Replace Names tool found in the
Modify menu.


near anD Far
clipping planes
There will be times when you are
working on a file with an extreme
scale and parts of the model may
flicker or vanish. You might even
get overlapping models fighting
to be shown. This is down to the
Z-buffer, but it can easily be fixed.


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