Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making

(Ron) #1
CHAPTER 6 Statement of profit or loss and statement of changes in equity 263




Profit after income tax expense attributable to equity holders of
the parent entity

23 95 184 101 103

Other comprehensive income
Gains on cash flow hedges
Transfer of realised gains on hedges to profit and loss
Income tax on items of other comprehensive income

3 512
(1 418


1 713
(1 621


Total other comprehensive income/(loss) for the
period, net of tax

1 466 64

Total comprehensive income attributable to equity holders of
the parent entity for the period

96 650 101 167

Earnings per share for profit attributable to the equity
holders of the parent entity
Basic earnings per share (cents per share)
Diluted earnings per share (cents per share)




Source: David Jones Ltd 2013, annual report, p. 70. Copyright David Jones Limited. Reproduced with permission.

Using the above information, answer the following questions.
a. Give an example of an expense that would be included in each of the David Jones Ltd expense
b. Calculate EBITDA for David Jones Ltd.
c. Explain the purpose of EBIT and EBITDA.
d. What are the items of other comprehensive income?

6.48 Investors assessing the recent reporting season of publicly listed companies will base their opinions

of corporate performance largely on a handful of key numbers, all expressed in dollar terms and
all dealing with the most recent financial year. This fixation with the bottom line and the profit and
loss statement has existed for 100 years or so and, at its most extreme, has produced a short-term
focus for investors that’s been blamed for many failings, from poor corporate governance to the
massaging of accounts to please the market and drive the share price — and, with that, executive

In recent times, more progressive elements within the accountancy profession have championed

the concept of widening reporting criteria. In the past decade the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
promoted sustainability reporting and introduced the idea of the triple bottom line, now adopted by
about 4000 organisations around the world.

GRI as principles of sustainability combined with traditional financial reporting to deliver a

holistic vision of corporate performance, which goes behind publishing the sustainability report
and the financial accounts in the same document. A significant milestone in this evolution was
reached in April with the release of the Consultation Draft of the International Integrated Reporting
Source: Colquhoun, L 2013, ‘Capital ideas: bringing all the strands of corporate reporting together will help reduce the
risk of short-termism’, InTheBlack, 14 June.

Prepare a memorandum for a board of directors that: defines integrated reporting; discusses the
various capitals and describes the pilot program on integrated reporting.

6.49 The ASX convened the ASX Corporate Governance Council (ASXCGC) in August 2002. It

was prompted by suggestions from ASIC and government that ASX take a leadership role in
formulating a non-legislative response to the corporate governance issues arising following
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