226 Chapter 6Chapter 6 || Public OpinionPublic Opinion
how best to fight terrorism and secure the United States from attack, how to increase
economic growth and reduce the unemployment rate, and what the government’s
role should be in providing health care and making sure that Americans have secure
retirements. In a very fundamental way, then, this list confirms that American
politicians are intimately connected to their constituents—the issues that politicians
debate and legislate on are the ones that many people care about.
The list of policy priorities also explains government inaction on some issues. For
example, only 46 percent of Americans see climate change as a top policy priority—and
gun control doesn’t even appear on the list. Thus, the fact that Congress has not legislated
on either of these issues in recent years is actually consistent with public opinion. For
better or worse, the average American has other priorities for government action.
Does Public Opinion Matter?
We can say with confidence that public opinion remains highly relevant in American
politics today. One key piece of evidence is the amount of time and effort politicians,
journalists, and political scientists spend trying to find out what Americans think.
Of course, it is easy to find examples like gun control in which policy has stayed the
same despite a majority supporting change. In other cases, such as the enactment of
Obamacare, new policies have been passed even though a majority preferred the status
The American
Public’s Policy
Priorities, 2018
Given this data on policy priorities,
what legislation would you expect
President Trump to propose during
the final two years of his term?
Source: Pew Research Center, “Economic
Issues Decline among Public’s Policy
Priorities,” http://www.people-press.org
(accessed 7/31/18).
Terrorism 73%
Education 71
Jobs 62
Economy 72
Health care costs 68
Budget deficit 48
Environment 62
Medicare 66
Reducing crime 56
Poor and needy 58
Military 46
Immigration 47
Social Security 67
Race relations 52
Influence of lobbyists 47
Transportation 49
Drug addiction 49
Climate change 46
Global trade 38
Public’s policy priorities for 2018
% rating each a top priority for Trump and Congress
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