Glossary/Index A95
going public, 448–49
impeachment of, 57, 413, 446
as party leader, 447–48
as politicians, 4 46–49
power of. See presidential power
public opinion on, 208, 209, 210, 210,
218, 222, 223, 420, 4 46–49
relationship with Congress, 285–86,
377–78, 430, 444–46
spouse of, 440
presidential approval ratings, 208, 209 ,
210, 210 , 218, 222 , 223 , 420, 446–49
The percentage of Americans who
think that the president is doing a
good job in office.
economic conditions affecting, 208,
210, 218, 223, 541
party identification affecting, 332
presidential campaign and election of
2016, 331, 332, 336
campaign ads in, 319, 319, 320, 320,
322, 331, 362
campaign financing in, 323, 323, 324,
331, 362
campaign promises in, 313–14, 314
campaign spending in, 324
campaign staff in, 313
debates in, 318
economic issues in, 335, 530, 535, 565
electoral votes in, 305, 307, 308, 309,
332, 334
fake news in, 2, 4, 239
Ginsburg comments on, 488, 490,
524, 526
grazing rights as issue in, 563
group identity of target voters in,
leaked information in, 245
media coverage in, 248–50, 317
media strategies in, 242–43
minor parties in, 287, 288, 288
news sources used by voters in, 240,
outcome prediction in, 215–16, 220,
party identification in, 275, 275–76
party organization in, 262, 284, 447
party platform in, 313–14, 314, 331
political process in, 12, 12
popular vote in, 16, 215–16, 275–76,
308, 309, 310, 332, 333
public opinion in, 5, 207, 213, 214, 215,
217, 220, 300, 331, 389
recruitment and nomination of
candidates in, 278, 278–79, 279,
280, 283, 289, 300, 303, 303–4, 331
“red” and “blue” states in, 16
Republican opposition to Trump in,
279, 280, 289, 331
Russian interference in, 244, 4 13 ,
420, 433, 443, 444, 445, 454, 472,
Sanders in, 262, 263, 278, 300, 300,
Super PACs in, 362
threats of Trump during, 23
trade policies as issue in, 314, 565, 639
voter turnout in, 160, 215–16, 248–49,
284, 327, 332, 333
voting cues in, 328
presidential campaigns and elections,
44, 296, 298–300, 302–9, 311
in 1800, 21, 44, 118, 492
in 1824, 308
in 1828, 266, 466
in 1860, 152
in 1876, 308
in 1888, 308
in 1932, 422, 576
in 1952, 311
in 1964, 318, 319
in 1968, 287, 311
in 1976, 311, 622
in 1980, 309, 311, 468, 622
in 1992, 288, 308
in 1996, 288
in 2000, 288, 301, 304, 308, 514, 522
in 2004, 121
in 2008, 159, 186, 187, 215, 217, 280,
in 2012, 155, 215, 280, 284, 286, 303,
309, 332
in 2016. See presidential campaign
and election of 2016
in 2020, 23, 220, 240
campaign financing in, 284, 303, 322,
323, 323, 324, 362
campaign strategies in, 316
debates in, 318
economy as factor in, 309, 310, 310
electoral votes in, 44, 304–9, 332, 334
of incumbents, 311, 312
popular vote in, 304, 305, 308, 308,
recruitment and nomination of
candidates in, 278, 279–81, 282,
283, 289, 302–4
requirements for candidates in, 302
staff in, 313
swing states in, 305, 305
voter turnout in, 159–60, 160, 215–16,
248–49, 284, 326, 326–27, 332, 333
presidential power, 418–37, 441–50
appointments in, 55, 63–64, 425–26,
438–39, 440, 466, 477–78, 546
in budget process, 540, 541, 542, 543
checks and balances on, 56–57, 58
in civil rights protection, 186–87
as commander in chief, 55–56,
428–29, 442, 627
constitutional authority in, 423, 424,
424, 428, 441–42, 450
in economic policies, 540, 541–45,
5 47, 5 67 – 6 8
exclusive powers in, 54
executive orders in, 426–28
executive powers clause on, 59–61
executive privilege in, 433–37
in foreign policy, 421, 429–30, 626,
626–27, 628–29, 650
as head of government and head of
state, 424
historical development of, 420–23
implied powers in, 63–64
in interpretation and implementa-
tion of laws, 444
in legislative process, 57, 409, 410,
424–25, 430–33, 442
limits to, 42–43, 441–42
and obstruction of justice, 64
pardons and commutations in, 54,
65, 66, 433
in policy initiatives, 434
shared powers in, 55–56
in social policies, 583, 583–84,
statutory authority in, 423, 424, 424,
Supreme Court nominations in, 187,
411, 426, 492, 500–502
of Trump, 30–32, 57–58, 418–20, 442,
442, 450
in unilateral actions, 442, 4 42–46,
450, 629
unitary executive theory on, 443
vesting clause on, 424
vetoes in, 57, 409, 430–33, 442, 545,
war powers in, 55–56, 428–29, 442,
630, 632
presidential spouses, 440
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