The Guardian - 06.09.2019

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Friday 6 September 2019 The Guardian


‘It’s just the start’: team behind fi rst image

of black hole wins biggest prize in physics

Ian Sample
Science editor

An international collaboration that
captured the fi rst image of a black hole,
a cosmic plughole from which nothing
that enters can ever escape, has won
the most lucrative prize in physics.
Hundreds of researchers on the
Event Horizon Telescope team will
share the $3m (£2.5m) Breakthrough
prize in fundamental physics for their
image of the monster black hole at the
heart of Messier 87 , a galaxy 55m light
years from Earth.
The remarkable shot of one of the

most mysterious types of object in
the universe required astronomers
to coordinate observations from
eight telescopes on four continents
from Antarctica to Arizona to create
an Earth-sized instrument sensitive
enough to spot a bagel on the moon.
The picture’s unveiling in April
marked the moment that scientists
saw what was once considered unsee-
able: the bottomless wells of gravity
that Albert Einstein loathed even as his
general theory of relativity predicted
their existence.
“We’ve known for a long time that
this was an amazing scientifi c result,
an amazing result for astronomy, but

to get the recognition on the world
stage with a prize like this is vindi-
cation of all the hard work, all the
sacrifi ce by the team,” said Shep Doele-
man, the director of the EHT project
at the Harvard–Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics. The 347 members
of the team will each receive about
$8,600 (£7,000).
The prize is the latest in what has
become an annual fl urry of awards
from the Breakthrough Foundation,
an organisation sponsored by Sili-
con Valley billionaires including the
investor Yuri Milner and Facebook’s
Mark Zuckerberg. Last month, three
theoretical physicists won the $3m

Special Breakthrough prize in funda-
mental physics for marrying Einstein’s
description of gravity with quantum
mechanics in a speculative theory
called supergravity.
The Messier 87 photograph gave
scientists their fi rst glimpse of the
ring of dust and gas that hurtles at
near the speed of light around a black
hole before it plunges into the abyss.

The ring encloses the round silhou-
ette of the black hole’s event horizon

  • the point of no return , after which
    the gravitational pull is so intense that
    not even light can escape. “This is only
    the beginning,” said Doeleman. “We’re
    launching into a new era of precision
    imaging of black holes.”
    The EHT team is working on an
    image of Sagittarius A*, the black hole
    at the centre of our home galaxy, the
    Milky Way. Unlike Messier 87’s super-
    massive black hole, which is 6.5 bn
    times more massive than the sun, the
    black hole at the centre of the Milky
    Way is a mere 4 m times as massive.
    Matter and light lap the smaller black
    hole faster and its appearance in the
    sky changes minute by minute, mak-
    ing it a tougher beast to photograph.
    The next major goal is to record
    video of black holes, a feat that may
    require the use of orbiting telescopes
    that capture rapid sequences of
    images. Footage of black holes will
    help scientists uncover how they con-
    sume what falls inside , how intense
    fi elds around them propel jets of sub-
    atomic particles into space, and how
    black holes can shine brighter than all
    the stars in their galaxy combined.
    “Prizes like this acknowledge the
    deep, meaningful tradition of learn-
    ing, of us wanting to understand our
    place in the cosmos,” said Doele-
    man. “It makes us stop for a moment,
    frankly. It gives us a moment to stop
    and appreciate that the universe is an
    amazing place.”
    In an announcement yesterday,
    six other researchers were named as
    Breakthrough prize winners for their
    work in the life sciences and mathe-
    matics. Among them are David Julius
    at the University of California , San
    Francisco, who discovered mech-
    anisms of pain sensation ; and Alex
    Eskin at the University of Chicago, who
    proved a mathematical proposition
    called the “ magic wand theorem” with
    Maryam Mirzakhani , the fi rst woman
    to win the prestigious Fields Medal ,
    who died aged 40 in 2017.

▼ The Event Horizon Telescope
image of a black hole in the galaxy
M87; right, scientist Shep Doeleman

The distance in light years from the
Earth to the mysterious black hole
at the centre of Messier 87

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