I’d really appreciate it if you could get
back to me by midday.
If you could let me know by Monday
whether you’ll be able to make it or not,
that would be great.
Thanks for your e-mail. Did you forget
to attach the file?
I forgot the attachment. Sorry about
that. Here it is.
Thanks for your e-mail. I will be out of
the office until Monday, 2 December.
For immediate assistance, please
contact my colleague David Buchan,, who
should be able to help. Otherwise, I
will respond to your e-mail as soon as
possible when I return.
answer an e-mail [(A:nsE Än (i: meI&l] , eine E-Mail beantworten
appreciate [E(pri:SieIt] , zu schätzen wissen, sich freuen
attach sth. [E(tÄtS] , etw. anhängen
compress a file [kQm)pres E (faI&l] , eine Datei komprimieren
copy sb. in [kQ)pi (In] , jmdn. auf CC setzen
e-mail sb. [(i: meI&l] , jmdm. eine E-Mail schicken
enquire about sth. [In(kwaIE] , anfragen, sich erkundigen
flag sth. [flÄg] , etw. kennzeichnen
follow sth. up [(fQlEU Vp] , etw. weiterverfolgen
notify sb. [(nEUtIfaI] , jmdn. benachrichtigen
prioritize sth. [praI(QrItaIz] , etw. Priorität geben
send sth. again [)send E(gen] , etw. erneut senden
sign out/off [)saIn (aUt/(Qf] , sich abmelden
subscribe to a newsletter [sEb(skraIb] , einen Newsletter abonnieren
unsubscribe from a newsletter , einen Newsletter abbestellen
at sign [(Ät saIn] , At-Zeichen (@)
backslash [(bÄkslÄS] , Backslash
bracket [(brÄkIt] , Klammer
capital letter [(kÄpIt&l] , Großbuchstabe
colon [kEU(lQn] , Doppelpunkt
comma [(kQmE] , Komma
dash [dÄS] , Gedankenstrich
dot [dQt] , Punkt (in E-Mail-Adresse)
exclamation mark , Ausrufezeichen
(N. Am. exclamation point)
full stop [)fUl (stQp] , Punkt (am Satzende)
inverted commas [)Inv§:tId (kQmEz] , Anführungszeichen
lowercase letter [)lEUEkeIs (letE] , Kleinbuchstabe
question mark [(kwestSEn mA:k] , Fragezeichen
semicolon [)semi(kEUlEn] , Strichpunkt, Semikolon
slash [slÄS] , Schrägstrich
small letter [(smO:l )letE] , Kleinbuchstabe
underscore [)VndE(skO:] , Unterstrich
approx. = approximately [E(prQks] , ungefähr (ca.)
bcc = blind (carbon) copy [)bi: si: (si:] , Blindkopie
BTW = by the way [)baI DE (weI] , übrigens
cc = carbon copy [)si: (si:] , (E-Mail-)Kopie
e.g. = for example [)i: (dZi:] , zum Beispiel (z. B.)
fwd = forward(ed) (e-mail) [(fO:wEd] , weiterleiten (weitergeleitet)
FYI = for your information [InfE(meIS&n] , zu deiner/Ihrer Information
i.e. = id est (that is) [)aI (i:] , d. h.
PS = postscript [)pi: (es] , Nachtrag
re = with reference to [(ref&rEns] , Betreff (Betr.)