British Vogue - 09.2019

(Barré) #1


What qualities should every good leader have?
Compassion, commitment and honesty.
How did you establish your credibility when people
doubted you?
By being a witness. I went to Honduras in 1981
to document the Salvadoran death squads that were
kidnapping refugees. They pointed their M16s
and we screamed they’d have to kill us all – and
they let the refugees go.
What’s one urgent problem that deserves more attention?
Climate change.
What novel should people read before they turn 30?
L’Etranger by Albert Camus was the first book I read
in French. It had a profound influence on my life.
You are known for wearing a white linen suit.
What is it about a suit that you love?
If it is well-cut, it’s a very elegant and practical outfit to wear.

What important lesson did you
teach your daughter? “Authenticity.”

What was
your last fashion
“A red satin
coat from Prada.
I’m not a red
person, but now
everybody says
I should always
wear red.”

by David
for Vogue,

What would

Bianca Jagger do?

Advice on life, love and style from the seasoned human rights defender

Andy Warhol introduced
you to the art world.
What did he teach you?
“He had this childlike
quality of never being blasé

  • never. Andy was genuinely
    interested in people, and
    people could tell.”

You’ve spotlighted
human rights abuses for
decades, and started a
foundation in 2005. What
achievement makes you
proudest? “The evacuation
of children from the
Bosnian War, in 1993.
I brought an eight-year-old
boy [Mohammed, left] to
New York for a heart
operation. He lived with
me until we could bring
his parents to America.”

Bianca with her daughter
Jade and granddaughters
Assisi and Amba

What do you do if someone’s late for lunch?
It has happened to me. I read the paper.
Yves Saint Laurent was your style mentor.
What did he teach you about flawless style?
The most important thing is where he placed the
shoulder pads. He made me the most elegant suits.
You’ve said you prefer designers who love women.
Who do you wear these days?
I like to wear dresses more than I used to. I love Dior.
What should I do to get over a broken heart?
Remember that no one deserves for you to suffer.
Where do you go for a glamorous lunch in London?
Andy Warhol once called you the most romantic
girl of the 20th century. Were you?
Yes. I am hopelessly romantic, I believed in
extraordinary loves. n

Where’s the
best place to
buy a gift?
“Le Bon Marché
in Paris, for a

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