Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists

(ff) #1

Approaches to

Abstract Design

Small children playing with paint do so with little regard for how

their paintings will turn out. They revel in the process, exploring

the flow of the paint, the twirl of the brush, the way the colors mix,

and how the shapes and lines overlap. Abstract painting enables us

to be children again and allow our right brains to take over. Have

you ever experienced a creative block? If so, get into the "abstract

zone." Have you ever felt a mismatch between your left-brain con-

cept and your technical skill? Grab a piece of paper, any brush,

and two or three pots of paint and let your instincts guide you.

Nesting Point fl.
Ann Baldwin, 18 " x 18"
(45.7 x 45.7 em), ink. digital
photographs, oil pastel,
acrylic on b irch panel.
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