Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists

(ff) #1

What is Abstract


Abstract adjective labstraktl 1 theoretical rather than
physical or concrete. 2 (of art) achieving its effect through
color and shapes rather than attempting to represent
recognizable reality. (Oxford Compact Dictionary)
In other words, your painting doesn't have to look like
anything recognizable. It can be simply made up of shapes,
lines, colors, andlor textures. Abstract painting sets you
free I No need to be able to draw or write. You can go with
the flow like Jackson Pollock. You can plan the whole thing
with meticulous accuracy like Piet Mondrian. Or go for the
na'ive style of your inner child.

Abstraction allows you to express your personality. You're
a lively, happy-go-lucky dancer? Get out those big brushes,
brightly colored paints, and make sweeping gestural
strokes over your blank canvas. You're a cautious, con-
trolled, neat-freak? Pencils, pens, rulers, small brushes, and
not-too-thick and not-too-fl uid paints may be more inside
you r comfort zone.
Whatever kind of person you are, your feelings can change
from day to day. Express your mood of the moment-
anger, joy, peace, sorrow-in your choice of colors, textures,
shapes, and quality of line.
Abstract art is also a wonderful way to re-create memories,
sad or happy. After a particularly difficult time in their
lives, some people turn to art to work through their prob-
lems. Art is a medically accepted form of therapy.

EI Niilo, Ann Baldwin,
II" x 14" (279 x 35.6 em),
acrylic, pastel on watercolor
paper. Private collection.

The title gives a clue to the in-
tended subject: a stormy day.
Swirling brushstrokes, ragged
shapes. lurid colors, and lack
of structure help to give the
impression of nature's chaotic
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