Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists

(ff) #1

A Step-by-Step Painting with Found Imagery

This painting was commissioned by some good friends. The subject matter was
suggested rather than prescribed. It can be difficult producing a piece of art
specifically designed for others, but in this case the subject, Shakespeare, is one
of my great interests.

pre-gessoed canvas Golden Heavy Body Acrylics: • rubber shaper
selection of photocopied found images
large Sharpie
Golden Fluid Acrylics: Transparent
Yellow Iron Oxide, Quinacridone
Crimson, Paynes Gray, Titan Buff

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Naples Yellow, Yellow Oxide
Golden Matte Medium
Golden Heavy Gel Medium
for texture
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A 48" x 24" (1219 x 61 cm)
pre-gessoed canvas has been
used for this painting. Ran-
dom marks and sentences are^2
Some collaged items have
been partially covered with a
loose layer of fluid Titan Buff.
When this is dry, more collage
written with a large Sharpie. Pieces
of relevant photocopied text, music,
and a diagram are then glued on with
matte medium.
is added, including two pieces of
striped wallpaper. Glazes of Transpar-
ent Yellow Iron Oxide loosely cover
quite large areas. Heavy-bodied Yel-
low Oxide, Naples Yellow, and Titan
Buff are then painted onto some of
the collage to make it less visible.
Notice that the paint appears quite
random at this stage.
1" (25 cm) flat nylon brush
1" (25 cm) bristle brush
Quinacridone Crimson has
been added with visible
brushstrokes. This provides
a tonal contrast to the
paler yellow and Titan Buff. In places,
rectangles of color begin to give the
painting structure. The large, brownish
rectangle has been written into with a
rubber shaper while the paint was still
wet, revealing the layer below.

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