Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists

(ff) #1


At this stage the final pieces of collage have
been added: the image of Mona Lisa, the
front cover of a paperback version of Romeo
and Juliet, two more images of the Globe
Theatre, and the image of Shakespeare himself as a
focal point. More glazes of Titan Buff have been used to
"push back" the collage, and further glazes of Transpar-

Humanities, Ann Baldwin,
48" x 24" (121.9 x 61 em).
mixed media on canvas.
Collection of Nancy and
Robert Berke.

ent Yellow Iron Oxide and Ouinacridone Crimson ensure
that these final elements are integrated with the rest
of the painting. Note that by now most of the early
Sharpie marks have disappeared. As a final touch, a
pattern has been scraped into the paint down the right-
hand side and the initials WS (for William Shakespeare),
which were covered up, have been revived.

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