Happiful – September 2019

(Wang) #1

Do some litter-picking
There are lots of ways we can
be kinder to the environment.
Sometimes it’s the small, simple
steps that make the most impact.
Picking up rubbish when you
see it is something we can all
do. Visit keepbritaintidy.org to
join a clean-up in your area,
or get involved in the Great
British Beach Clean taking place
20–23 September (visit mcsuk.org/
for more info).

Leave positive feedback
When things go wrong, we can be
quick to make a complaint, but
when was the last time you told
someone what a great job they
did? A great way to incorporate
this into your routine is to start
your day with a compliment.
When you first look at your
phone, send a text to a friend you
haven’t seen in forever, or write a
quick complimentary email to a
colleague, before diving head-first
into your inbox.

Reminisce with the elderly
Talking about past memories
and reminiscing with the older
community has been found to be
beneficial, especially if the person
you’re chatting to has dementia
or Alzheimer’s. Try bringing up

Kindness is contagious, and

this month we want to see

it go viral. Below are some

easy ways you can give back

Writing | Kat Nicholls

Spread a little kindness

music or films they loved when
they were younger, and ask them
about their lives. (Visit ageuk.org.
uk for more advice on caring for
the elderly.)

Pass on a book that
impacted you
Have you read a book recently that
made you laugh out loud, cry, or
gasp in disbelief? Rather than stash
the book in a drawer, never to see
the light of day again, why not pass
it on to someone else? Offer it to
friends, family, or colleagues, or
use a book swap service online. We
love bookcrossing.com, where you
release a book ‘into the wild’ for a
stranger (or another BookCrossing
member) to find and track where it
ends up via journal entries around
the world.

Leave a note of
encouragement for someone
Arm yourself with some Post-
it notes, a pen, and some
encouraging words to spread a
little kindness wherever you are.
Waiting rooms can often be a place
of vulnerability for people, so
why not pop some notes into the
pile of magazines? Reading your
words may help someone feel a
little calmer about their upcoming
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