Happiful – September 2019

(Wang) #1
Panic attacks typically last between
five and 20 minutes, but can last
more than an hour. Try not to
assume you know when their panic
attack is over; wait for them to tell
you. Once you know it’s finished,
validate their experience, and offer
some space for them to talk about
how they’re feeling. For example:
“That must have been scary for
you, do you feel like talking or do
you want to rest?”
Taking the time to talk can help
both of you to feel calmer. You can
also check in to see if what you did
was helpful for them, or if they
would prefer you do something
different in the future. Finally, be

sure to check on them throughout
the day. If they’re finding it hard to
work, maybe suggest they take the
rest of the day off.
Sometimes anxiety and panic
attacks are a symptom of
workplace stress. If this is the case,
encourage your colleague to speak
to their manager and/or HR for
support, and ask if there’s anything
you can do to make things less
Finally, it’s important to
remember to look after yourself
after helping someone with a panic
attack. Making time for self-care
will help you feel better mentally
and physically, so you can continue
to support others.


  • Feelings of impending doom

    • Pounding heart

      • Sweating

      • Dizziness

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Chest pain

  • Choking sensation/
    tight throat

If you and your colleagues want
to be better prepared for situations
like panic attacks, consider getting
trained in mental health first aid.
Happiful and Simpila Healthy
Solutions provide courses across
the UK to teach you how to listen,
reassure and respond, even in a
crisis. Learn more and find a course
near you at happiful.com/mental-

Once you know it’s
over, validate their
experience and
offer some space for
them to talk about
how they’re feeling

September 2019 • happiful.com • 49


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