You South Africa – 22 August 2019

(Jeff_L) #1 22 AUGUST (^2019) | 89
whereI aminmylife’
We’re catching up with Lira at The
Munro Boutique Hotel in Houghton,
thesinger’simageaspartofBarbie’s 60th
birthday celebrations.
It’s not often you can sing the lyrics
“I’m a Barbie Girl” and mean it – but Lira
certainly can. With her signature short
natural ’do and delicious dark skin, the
doll is a dead ringer for the stylish singer.
Lira Barbie is one of 50 dolls created by
the toy giant to recognise diverse women
it regards as inspirational role models for


T’S a recognition that couldn’t have
come at a better time.
Had she not been going through her
separation and other life challenges
the doll wouldn’t be as meaning ful,
Lira says.
“I’m so happy to be honoured for mak-
ing a difference in people’s lives. To think
that I was once insecure about my dark
skin and about being the tallest girl with
the longest legs in my group of friends,
for having a big toothy smile and nginga­
pakanga [ for having no curves].”
But being the first African woman to be
immortalised by Barbie is bittersweet, she
admits, because of her separation.
Lira has lived most of her life in the
public eye and steadfastly cultivated a
squeaky-clean image, steering clear of
any controversy or scandal.
“I’ve worked so hard to be where I am
today,” she says, shedding a tear.
“Everything I’ve done has come from a
place of love and being truly and authen-
tically me.”

received after announcing her separa-
“Robin and I are currently living apart
and are in the process of deciding the fu-
ture of our marriage,” Lira wrote on social
media. “We’ve had a long and fruitful mar-
riage and business relationship and have
formed a strong bond that will remain,
whatever the outcome of our time apart.”
Fans were quick to flood her social
media pages with messages of strength
and people she’s
met face-to-face
have been sensitive
to her situation.
“I’m so blessed to
be where I am in my life today and to
have support from people from all walks
of life,” she says. “Things are far from per-
fect, but I’m grateful.”
She’s looking forward to what the
future holds.
“Change always excites me. I feel light-
er. I’m starting afresh and cleaning up.
I feel bolder and fearless. It’s a new feel-
ing that I'd forgotten I had. A feeling of
being renewed. I’m not fighting with life,
I’m flowing with it.
“I’m truly in a happy place. I feel lighter,
newed, with a level of freshness.”

HE’S feeling so good she’s
started writing music again.
“All of my songs have been
me being vulnerable. I’m not
afraid of letting people learn
from my experiences,” Lira
ys. “But I’m not sure when I’ll be releas-
g [an album].”
Lira has always preached self-love in
r Afrosoul music. Learning to love
urself is a lesson she learnt from her
om, Buyi Molapo.
When the Daveyton-born singer grad-
ted at the Vaal University of Technol-
y after completing her accounting
dies, her mom was there to cheer her

job to pursue music, Buyi also stood by
Lira’s side.
“My mom is my biggest supporter,” she
says. “She spent money taking me to
university and when I realised after two
years of working that’s not what I wanted
to do, she gave me a chance to quit my
job and pursue my dream of singing.
“My mom would lend me her car
for gigs. When I lost my income, she’d
give me only R100 a
month because she
wanted me to feel
the consequences of
having a dream. I
commend her for that.
“With that discipline, my mom birthed
a fighter in me.”
It was while she was on a trip with her
mom that she decided to take stock of
her life. Lira and Buyi (62) went skydiving
recently in Namibia, where she got a
chance at introspection.
“That trip helped me to make serious
decisions in my life,” she says.
Buyi, a former banking insurance
developer, has always inspired Lira and
encouraged her to do what makes her
“After my mom retired, she became a
wellness champion. She jogs every
morning and is a true inspiration of the
kind of parent I would want to be one
d a y .”
Although she doesn’t have children of
her own, Lira loves the kids in her life as
if they were her own.
“I’m a parent to lots of children in my
life. I’m a godmother and an extended
aunt to many kids, and I’m in no rush to
have any children of my own,” she says.
“I’m comfortable with working on my
purpose, which is to inspire others, make
beautiful healing music and to truly
represent the African child and show
them their dreams are valid.” S

o apo, or er g tingspirit.

Lira’s Barbie was launched at an event in
Johannesburg. She’s the first woman from
Africa to get a lookalike doll in the series.
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