2019-09-01 Reader\'s Digest

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


That forbidden
apple in the Garden
of Eden? It could
have been a pomegran-
ate. The book of Gene-
sis does not explicitly
say what fruit Eve per-
suaded Adam to share
with her. The Hebrew
Bible uses the generic
term peri, which rab-
binic scholars have said
could be used to de-
scribe a fig, a grape, a
pomegranate, an apri-
cot, or even wheat.


Another apple-
centric Biblical
note: the phrase
apple of your eye.
In Psalm 17, David
uses it when he’s talk-
ing to God: “Keep me
as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow
of your wings.” Is David
rather full of himself in
assuming that he is
God’s favorite? Not nec-
essarily. The Bible’s use
of apple here is thought
to be a poetic way to re-
fer to the eye’s pupil,
which is also round.


Apples have long
been associated
with fertility—

By Jen McCaffery

Big Apple Facts,

and Small Ones Too

46 september 2019 Illustration by Serge Bloch

Reader’s Digest


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