
(Joyce) #1

Comedian Martha Raye
was a great supporter
of the military and
made many trips to
Vietnam to entertain
the troops. She also
liked her scotch.
One day, I was told
to report to my com-
manding officer, who
ordered me to escort

Got a funny story
about the military or
your military family?
It could be worth $$$.
For details, go to

Ms. Raye. He then
added confidentially,
“We’ve already been
through three escorts.
You’re the only one
I can think of she
won’t be able to drink
under the table.”
R.D., via mail

I was instructing new
recruits when an offi-
cer entered my class-
room to observe and
report on my teaching
style. I thought I was
on top of my game
that day, but he was

quite scrupulous, as
evidenced by the fact
that his written evalu-
ation of me cited this
issue: “Instructor
loses eye contact with
class while writing on
Herm Van Laar,
Grandville, Michigan

“Good God, man, flap harder.”

Reader’s Digest

cartoon by Navied Mahdavian 41

Humor in


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