
(Joyce) #1
Love-Note Plagiarism
When my husband and I were dating, we vis-
ited our friend’s parents’ home, and I noticed
a note on their refrigerator. It had their names
and said “Pete Loves Sue.” I told my then-
boyfriend, Bruce, that I’d like to see a note
like that on my refrigerator. A few days later,
I approached my refrigerator. A note on the
door read “Pete Loves Sue”! My husband and
I have been married for 25 years, and the joke
continues. Most recently, a photo of the note
was the background on my phone screen.
—Laura allan Payne High Point, North Carolina

Snack Attack
After Sunday school, my
three-year-old, Kolby,
exclaimed, “I hate Jesus!
Jesus is yucky!” I was mor-
tified. Several minutes
went by as we drove home
and terrible thoughts
filled my head. Where had
we gone wrong? Finally
I said, “Tell me why you
hate Jesus. He died on
the cross for us.” Kolby
tilted his head, and a
perplexed look spread
across his little face. This
is it, I thought. He’s going
to reveal why he feels this
way. “Cheez-Its, Mom!
I hate Cheez-Its!”
—Yvonne Ruff
smithville, missouri

To read more true sto-
ries and to submit your
own, go to
stories. If your story is
published in the maga-
zine, we’ll pay you $100.

To Any Soldier


y Army career as a second lieutenant was
a baptism by fire. I was assigned to Korea
for my first year; returned to Fort Bragg,
North Carolina, for around two months; and then
deployed to the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
Married for only a year and a half, I was missing
my wife and baby daughter when I was in-processed
to the Fifth Special Forces Group. As a unit on the

  • Sometimes 100 words just aren’t enough!

42 march 2019

Reader’s Digest

illustrations by Joana Avillez



in 100 Words *
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