Autocar UK – 21 August 2019

(lily) #1


Δ convinced by BMW’s curious new

instrument layout, it would have

happened by now.

But all that is overshadowed,

especially in a feature such as this,

by the one thing it has gained. Or,

I should say, regained. Being old

enough to remember successive

generations of early 3 Series, their

position as weapon au choix among

those in need of a compact saloon

but who liked to drive was nothing

less than inviolable. Okay, I’m not

so ancient as to have been

doing this job when the E21-

generation 3 Series was on

the market, but the E30, E36

and E46 ruled that particular

roost with impregnable

authority. But the more recent

E90 and F30, while more rounded

products, were also less distinct

and cars concerned with all their

occupants, not just the driver. Now

with the G20, though, the balance has

swung decisively back the other way.

It’s the car’s handling that does it,

the way it wolfs down a great road

with such authority and precision

that you might be tempted to look

over your shoulder to check this

really is a four-door family car,

and not some hunkered-down sports

coupé. The result is a 3 Series with a

character we’ve not seen for nigh on

15 years and it’s great to have it back.

It may not look it, but it is in many

ways the most surprising car here.

The least surprising should be the

Alpine A110. What more can we add

to the ocean of purple prose already

expended upon this remarkable,

game-changing little sports car?

Only this: despite it all, despite the

f a c t t h at it i s a s f a m i l i a r t o me a s

a n old pa i r of sl ipp e r s a f t e r h av i n g

driven plenty and living with one

as a daily driver for a few months,

surprising it remains.

There is so much about this car

that flies in the face of the purist’s

handbook – it has only four cylinders,

it’s turbocharged, it’s a third down

on the requisite pedal count and so

on – that if you spend any

time away from it and then

return, it is with the sense that

it simply can’t be as good as

your memory suggests. Yes,

it’s light and compact, but

y ou r br a i n i s t r y i n g t o k id y ou

there’s an experience here to

The only^ prancing^

horses^ you’ll^ see^

in the^ top^ five^

‘Spot the wiggliest lin
e on the map’ challenge


Unlike the McLaren, the

911 is a car that invites

you to take it for granted


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