Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1



Revell’s reboxing of Zvezda’s Bf 109F-2 was used as
the subject of this ‘quick build’.

My ‘building’ bench all laid-out, ready to begin work.
As you can see I like to keep everything tidy - I simply
don’t know how to work with my bench looking like a

offered by Revell would cut down on the time
needed to fi nish the paintwork, a modular
approach reducing masking to a very simple
yellow cowling and rudder. The decals though
would prove to be something of a trial, the
lack of Swastikas, my inability to fi nd any in
my decal collection (despite having sheets of

them!) and the rather low quality of production,
all conspiring to create a step that took rather
longer than expected...
Before beginning, I planned out the build,
looked at what I needed to use and then
arranged my ‘building’ bench with tools for
construction, and then my ‘painting’ bench

Unusually, the cockpit is
built on top of the one-piece
upper wing. This certainly
makes this part of the
model easy to deal with
and thanks to the fi t of the
wing under the fuselage,
the painting and the
demarcation between the
camoufl aged wings and pale
blue fuselage, is easy to

To show that I wasn’t cheating and that I hadn’t
preprepared my model, I dropped my phone into the
shot to reveal the time and date I began...

The inner cockpit walls are nicely detailed, so thanks to
the closed cockpit canopy, I simply painted what was
supplied by Revell.

Sub-assemblies all built ready to paint. This step took less
than 30 minutes, such is the ease with which this model goes

Having decided to add rivets to the surface of the model, I
grabbed an Eduard kit to show the pattern, and then used an RB
Productions Rivet R to apply them.

The cockpit is predominantly RLM66 Schwartzgrau, so this
was airbrushed on and then the surface drybrushed lightly with
Humbrol Blue Grey to lift the detail. Vallejo acrylics added the
fi nishing touches.

Having built the cockpit on top of the wing, it could be painted
to match the inner cockpit walls. Note the fl oor detail.
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