Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1
Issue 170 - 33


A decal is supplied for the instrument panel. The fi t of this is awful and thanks to the low quality of
the decal sheet supplied in the kit, getting it settle into place, a real bind, even with the application
of setting solutions. Next time –– should there be one –– I’ll paint the instrument panel...

Eduard pre-coloured seat straps completed the cockpit, adding just enough interest to pass
muster under the closed canopy.

The interior has been completely painted and weathered. Time to bring the airframe components together. Before doing
that, the edges of the fuselage halves in front of the tail fi n (above and below the fuselage) were bevelled slightly to allow
the depiction of the fuselage seams found on the real aircraft. This was simply achieved with a sanding stick and a couple
of light passes. So far so good - we are now three hours into our build.

As mentioned earlier, the larger
sections were kept separate
and then painted individually.
Here, the wheel bays have
been fi nished in RLM02 Grau
and then masked, before
airbrushing the lower surfaces
in RLM65 Hellblau, the same
colour being used over the
fuselage sides.

As you can see, all of the airframe parts were
painted separately, their modular design
allowing them to be brought together once
fi nished, with little evidence of gaps or need
for further adjustment or fi lling.
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