Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1



not easy to get into due to their shape.
Fortunately if you don’t want to go that trouble,
you have options; Zvezda kindly provide FOD
guards which will shield the intake trunkings
from view, or you can opt to drop the variable
intake doors that serve to direct the airfl ow for
the engines from the top of the fuselage, thus
blocking off the front of the intakes (stopping

the ingestion of foreign objects by the engines,
allowing the Yak-130 to be used on roughly
prepared airstrips). I however decided to make
life much harder for myself by choosing to
show off all of the Yak-130’s idiosyncrasies,
opting for half open variables intake doors,
coupled with fully open auxiliary intake doors,
meaning the entire length of the intake

trunkings can be seen. from any angle.
With the intakes complete, my attention
swiftly moved to the main landing gear bay
which is exceptionally detailed straight out of
the box. This was painted with Tamiya XF-23
Light Blue overall prior to construction, then
the details picked out prior to fi tment to the
intake trunks.
It is at this point that test fi tting of parts
becomes your main priority as any errors
here can have potentially catastrophic
consequences further down the line.
Fortunately, the fi t of the parts is excellent, with
hardly, if any adjustments being needed. The
onus here is fi rmly on the builder to ensure
they go in the correct place, correctly aligned,
which is why this kit is not for the novice
builder. Test fi t numerous times, glue once,
should now be your mantra!
The two completed intake trunks were
then bought together, adding one small tab,
made from a piece of scrap plastic between
the compressor faces, just to ensure perfect
The instructions would have you attach
the main landing gear at this point, but I was
able to leave them off as it was my intention
to show all the doors for this bay in the fully
opened position. Be aware though, that should
you intend to show the aircraft in its normal
state, with most of these doors closed, you will
have to fi t the main gear legs at this point.

Moving On
It was only now that I turned my attention

The decal sheet is comprehensive, highly detailed and perfectly

Box art for Zvezda’s superb Yak-130.

The parts are well moulded and the runners sensibly laid out. Engine fan detail. Precious few stones have been left unturned
when it come to detail within this kit.

Finer details show off for the camera. It’s great to see pilot fi gures being included in kits once more... Close up of one of the pilot fi gures. Detail is superb.

The fuselage is broken down in a less-than conventional way!
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