Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1
Issue 170 - 55


The decals not only conform well to the surface detail but are an excellent fi t as seen here, with the
red decals outlining the auxiliary air intakes.

One of the very few enhancements made, was to replace the port and starboard navigation lights.
Using a generic set of coloured resin navigation lights produced by CMK. It is a simple task to
slice off the existing ones, then drill a hole to accept the resin replacements. Minimum effort, for
maximum effect.

that I had been putting off for some time:
the fi tting of the exhaust nozzles and blast
panels. To help matters in this area I suggest
you leave the area that attaches to the inner
fuselage free-fl oating, as this will give you
some much needed wriggle room when fi tting
the blast panels. The panels are an oddity,
as Zvezda would have you bend them as
you try to fi t them onto the fuselage lower.
Why they didn’t just mould them to the shape
required I don’t know. Though I suspect, that
the limitations of injection moulding prevent
the fi ne surface detail being reproduced onto
a concave shape. No matter what the case
though it makes for a diffi cult fi t, where more

fi ngers
are required
than you actually have. Once they were in
place the remaining pre-painted panels,
forward of the exhaust nozzles were
permanently secured.

Underwing Stores
The Yak is cleared to carry a great variation
of ordnance, but from the box your choice is
somewhat limited. What is supplied though is
nicely done, with the AA-11 Archer missiles

moulded in one piece
this requiring only the
faintest of mould lines to
be removed prior to painting.
Using the external tanks as an experiment
in weathering I strategically placed masking
tape along some panel lines, then proceeded
to add a gentle application of MRP-271 Clear
Smoke by airbrush. The B-13 Rocket pod was
also heavily weathered to depict extensive
use. This was achieved by the application of
various metallic shades around the nose area,
in an attempt to simulate the staining left as
the rockets leave the pod. The rear of the pod
received the same treatment along with some

Supplied with the kit is the
protector for the cockpit sill.
Both this and the deployed crew
ladder, provide an eye catching
contrast between the red and
the more subdued grey and
blues of the main camoufl age

A substantial amount of decals are supplied for the weapon
pylons, and the ordnance, really bringing these areas to life.
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