Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1



black pigment, replicating a build up of soot.
Zvezda haven’t skimped on the decals for
the weapons either, one Archer missile
alone, having 24 decals! An external belly
gun pod is also supplied, but I chose not to
fi t it. It has been built up though, and I’m
very tempted to paint it in the ‘Eggplant’

grey and weather it heavily, as though it has
been in service for a while, being fi tted to
various aircraft during its lifetime.

Final Assembly
All that requires doing now is to complete
the cockpit area and the main canopy.

Some slight modifi cations were done to the pilot’s arms in order to simulate him resting his hand right on the instrument coaming
and left hand on a bank of switches on the left console, as I wanted him posed as though he was going through pre-fl ight checks.

The ejection seats are a fair representation of the K-36L, with the much
smaller headbox when compared to the standard K-36 seat. The harness on
the backrest and seat are supplied as separate mouldings, which are fi tted
when no aircrew are present. The decals on the headboxes were sourced
from some leftovers from another build.
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