Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1
Issue 170 - 9


It is without question that the P-38 is a unique fi ghter from World War II and it’s been one of Tamiya’s most requested subjects. Thanks to their extensive research and
ever-evolving mould-making techniques, Tamiya’s designers have gone to great lengths to achieve the best fi tting and most accurate P-38 Lightning F/G model assembly
kit to date. They are sure this kit will adorn modellers collections and be the topic of discussion in the various model contests across the globe for the foreseeable future!
This new kit will feature the following:

● Fuselage length: 240 mm
● Wingspan: 330mm.
● P-38F and P-38G variants can be built.
● The model creates a parked aircraft when assembled and complete.
● Features accurate depictions of early P-38 features such as slimline engine cowlings, intercoolers in leading edges, plus the curved canopy front.
● Weights are included in the kit to ensure correct balance of the model when displayed.
● The canopy can be assembled open or closed. When closed, it is a 1-part slide-moulded piece with dedicated F and G variant parts. The hatch is shown open
sideways on the P-38F, and vertically on the P-38G.
● A detailed cockpit features the wheel-type controls, radio, throttle box and more.
● Comes with parts to recreate two each of 150- and 300-gallon drop tanks.
● Includes two marking options: “White 147”, a P-38G which took part in the interception of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto in April 1943 and “White 33”, a P-38F.
● Mirror stickers are included to recreate cockpit mirror and engine cowling interior surface sections.
● Comes with canopy masking stickers and a full-color painting guide.

The above information, taken from the Tamiya America website, gives us a fair indication of what we can expect from Tamiya’s latest 1:48 aircraft kit. Online images
have also been released, and they seem to show a highly-detailed replicate that is broken down to minimise fuss during assembly. Those of you that have wrestled over
the years with many of this kit’s competitors, will no doubt be delighted to see that Tamiya has made ease of assembly the most important aspect of their new kit. The
Lightning is certainly a complex shape, with booms that need to be careful lined up, so to see that offered in a kit designed to be easy to build, is more than welcome!
We are looking forward to seeing this kit arrive later this summer and to bringing you a detailed appraisal in a future edition of this magazine.


The Tamiya Colour range of quality paints - designed
specifi cally for modelling use has long helped
modellers achieve the perfect fi nish on their scale
masterpieces. Now, existing Tamiya bottled acrylics,
plus lacquer spray paints are joined by the new
Lacquer Paint line of bottled Tamiya colours. Use
them as your needs require: airbrush large areas,
or pick out fi ne details. With a tough membrane and
swift overall drying times - but slow initial drying to
allow a beautiful unblemished fi nish. We are sure
they will become an essential item in your modelling

● No need for primer: gloss and matt colours can
be applied directly to model kit plastic. •Quick drying
● Fabulous when airbrushed, and can also be
applied by paint brush to detail areas.
● Can be used in a similar way to Tamiya’s X and XF
line of acrylics.
● Weathering colour washes and dry brushing can
be applied over the dried Lacquer Paint.
● Once dry, can be safely over-painted with acrylics,
enamels and other model paints.
● Lacquer Thinner Retarder Type (87194) slows
initial ‘fl ash off’ time, allowing paint droplets to merge

on the surface of the model for a smoother fi nish.
● Robust fi nal fi nish that adheres strongly to the
model’s polystyrene surface.
● Constantly expanding range of colours for military
& civilian subjects.
● Ultra-high Tamiya quality.

By the time you read this, these paints will have been
distributed to your favourite retailers, so you should
be able to include them as part of your next build
with ease. We will take a look at these paints in more
detail in the next issue.



NEWSLINE 170.indd 3 06/08/2019 11:

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