Scale Military Modeller International – September 2019

(Romina) #1
The set replaces the tyres, dashboard, sand
mats, batteries and spare jerry-cans, the
front bumper and some other bits. Note that
the tyres are not just cross-hatched but
have an interesting modiied diamond
pattern. The resin parts are all direct
replacement for the plastic
ones, so no kit modiication is
needed. Meanwhile the resin
igures were assembled
and positioned within
the truck to allow me
to start planning the
additional stowage. The
igures came from the
sadly now defunct New
World Miniatures line, but

diligent internet searching can ind them
via second hand sources or through other
companies who have picked up the moulds.
They went together perfectly and required
no modiications! Additional stowage was
now added, using some of the kit-supplied
items to ill in, along with a couple of fuel
barrels. The barrels may not be totally
accurate, but I wanted to bring a little colour
to the truck. More internet research found
the appropriate corporate colouring for
the barrels, one being ‘Esso’ and the other
‘Castrol’. Once the gear was placed, more
rolled and spread tarps and blankets were
made from epoxy putty to pull it all together.
I also removed the moulded-on gate chain
and replaced it with real scale chain.

smmi tank world


The moulded-on chain was replaced with scale
chain, and note faded, dusty markings

It’s the small details that add interest!

Details like the seat and tyres were touched up with the
appropriate colours using Vallejo acrylics thinned to
more ‘stain’ the enamel than totally cover it

Once the stowage
was placed, rolled
and spread tarps
and blankets were
made from epoxy
putty to pull it all

A final
of clear flat
with a little tan
mixed in faded
the paint, decals, and
added a layer of ‘dust’

Chipping was done
using Dark Grey acrylic
applied with a piece of
torn scrubbing pad
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