Scale Military Modeller International – September 2019

(Romina) #1
british lrdg
Scale 1:35 / North Africa Patrol

With everything secured, the model was
now ready for painting, and this began with
an undercoat of Dark Grey primer, followed
by a coat of Model Master #2102 Afrika
Braun. Next came a coat of Radome Tan
with a few drops of Middlestone. The grey
is Model Master Dark Ghost Grey with a few
drops of Radome Tan added and this was
sprayed in a wide swathe pattern across the
vehicle. Details like the seat and tyres were
touched up with the appropriate colours
using Vallejo acrylics thinned to more
‘stain’ the enamel than totally cover it. This
produced a weathered look, and subsequent
layers were used to further reine this even
further. Vallejo shades were also used to
paint the various stowage items, fuel drums,

and other details. The decals were added
after a gloss coat following images of the
actual ‘T9’ truck, as Tamiya’s instructions are
in error. Chipping was done with a ripped
Scotch cleaning pad dipped in Vallejo
Dark Grey acrylic and stippled across the
appropriate surfaces. To inish of the overall
weathering, a inal coat of Radome Tan
mixed with clear lat and highly thinned was
misted over the vehicle to produce fading
efects. Dust was added using Floquil ‘Dust’,
but a similar mix of highly thinned yellowish
tan could work as well.
The igures were painted over several
sessions while inishing the truck. The
lesh areas were irst painted with a light
lesh shade. Then switching to using oils,
Van-Dyke Brown was painted on
the faces, and then promptly
whisked away with a clean,
dry, wide brush.

This left all the recessed areas dark, whilst
producing a moderate tone on the rest of
the faces. Further reinement using Burnt
Sienna, Yellow Ochre, and White was applied
using a small brush to bring the faces to life.
Once dry, a thinned mix of Vallejo acrylics,
both Dark Brown and Black, was lowed into
the deepest recesses for further shadowing
and contrast. The uniforms were painted
using several online resources for reference,
and all were done using an enamel base
colour followed by thinned Vallejo acrylics
for shadows and highlights. Several sessions
were used to build up the layers of paint
and keep everything subtle. Once complete,
the igures were itted into the truck using


The figures originally came from the now defunct New World Miniatures Resicast also provide a new front bumper

Note that the tyres are
not just cross-hatched,
but have an interesting
modified diamond pattern
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