Woman & Home Feel Good You – September 2019

(lu) #1



he simple truth is that
cellulite shows up on
the thighs and buttocks
of more than 90% of
women. And in true egalitarian
fashion, lumpy skin can hit
whatever your size, weight or
fitness level. Age does have a
part to play, however. As the skin
becomes thinner, less elastic and
more prone to dehydration, a
puckered appearance becomes
more noticeable. Team this with
other leg woes such as dry, scaly
skin, stubble and varicose veins,
and peeling off those cocooning
layers becomes a daunting
prospect. But with a little TLC,
simple tweaks and clever beauty
tricks, you can learn to love your
legs and reveal them with pride.

Brush up

There is no miracle cure for cellulite.
There, we said it. Cellulite occurs
when fat deposits bulge up through
the connective tissue under our
skin. These fibrous bands across
the thighs are too weak to keep the
skin looking smooth, thereby forming
a lumpy, bumpy texture. However,
you can certainly help to improve
the tone, texture and feel of the
skin on your legs by embracing
daily body massage. Use Liz Earle
Natural Bristle Body Brush, £9.50,
on dry skin before you shower,
moving in long sweeping strokes
towards the heart. The benefits are
plentiful: it boosts circulation, loosens
toxins, unclogs ingrown hairs and
sloughs dead skin cells for softer,
smoother limbs.

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