New! Magazine – 19 August 2019

(Romina) #1
PHOTOS: Getty, Shutterstock, Splash News


aul Hollywood’s split from
his 24-year-old girlfriend
Summer Monteys-Fullam
took a nasty turn last
week when they became
embroiled in a bitter war of
words on social media.
Firing the first
shot, The Great
British Bake
Off star, 53,
of “making
money selling
stories and
courting the paps”
after she walked out
on him following her
refusal to sign a non-disclosure
agreement [NDA] banning her
from discussing their two-year
relationship in public.
Furious with his claims,
Summer branded the allegations
“ridiculous” and “false”, and
accused him of leaving her feeling
“betrayed” and “humiliated”.
She then twisted the knife by

liking a string of fan comments
on Instagram that slated her ex,
including one that claimed she’d
been “wasting her time with an
old guy” and another that said
she’d escaped a “controlling
relationship”. Eek!
And while it’s no
surprise Paul’s
request for
Summer to sign
an NDA went
down like a lead
balloon with the
former barmaid,
PR expert and
co-owner of Borne
Media, Denise
Palmer-Davies, has told
new! this is common practice
for many celebrities.
“A non-disclosure agreement
essentially acts as a platform
for individuals to keep their
personal and private life just that,
and is performed with a mutual
obligation between two parties,”
explained Denise.
And Denise believes Paul has

good reason to be cautious after
his messy split from his wife of 19
years, Alexandra, in November
2017, was played out in public.
“Paul has been the subject of
numerous tabloid headlines over
the past few years, most of which
have been negative,” she says.
“His on-screen persona is a
clean-cut, wholesome family man,
therefore the headlines have
been damaging to him, his
family and, of course, the
Paul Hollywood brand.
He would have been
advised to put an
NDA in place for any
future relationships
to protect himself
from further
negative publicity.
He isn’t the first
celebrity to do this and
nor will he be the last.”
However, relationship
expert Judi James
sympathises with
Summer and thinks
a request to sign an

NDA would signal the end for
most relationships.
“You hear it all the time – if you
haven’t got trust in a relationship
you haven’t got a relationship –
and that should be trust about
everything,” explained Judi.
“Summer might have seen
the NDA as Paul telling her
by default that he doesn’t trust
her, therefore he’s making the
relationship void.”
And according to Judi,
receiving a request to
sign an NDA can be
just as damaging to
a relationship as
being unfaithful.
“In a way it’s
almost like cheating
on someone. Once
the damage is done
you might be able
to resculpt the
relationship, but it’s
always going to be
hanging around like
a nasty smell.”
Karmel Doughty

m, his






Summer and Paul
in happier times

With his


‘Paul has

betrayed me’

As things turn toxic between the former

couple, we reveal how it all went wrong


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