New! Magazine – 19 August 2019

(Romina) #1

A Place In The Sun presenter Laura Hamilton, 37, reveals

why she can’t go vegan and her struggle with IBS

‘I got obsessed

with losing



Hi Laura! How often do you work out?
At the moment not a lot because I’m in the
middle of filming A Place In The Sun, so
until 31 August I’m not able to get to the
gym. I travel with a skipping rope and try to
do exercises when the children are asleep.
When you’re not away filming, what
exercises do you do?
I go to my local David Lloyd gym and
do a class called Blaze, which is
a HIIT workout. I try to do it two
or three times a week.
What’s your favourite meal?
Lunch, because I make it a
bigger meal. I don’t like to
eat a heavy dinner.
Are you intolerant
to anything?
I’ve always suffered from IBS. It’s
awful. After having children [Rocco, five,
and Tahlia, four] it’s definitely eased up. I
don’t know if that’s because I’ve changed
my diet a bit and I don’t eat bread.
Do you play any sport?
Loads! My family are really sporty. My
husband and I play tennis together and
we’re massive skiers.
Are you body confident?
Seven months after having Tahlia I lost
weight and was the slimmest I’d ever

been. I got a bit obsessed with it and got
down to 7st 4lb, which I don’t think is
particularly healthy for me. I’ve always
been insecure about my legs so it was
the one time I felt confident about them.
Am I body confident? It’s hard, but
I try for my children.
Was the weight loss intentional?
I cut out sugar and carbs and exercised
every day for seven months.
People said how great I looked,
which spurred me on. But
it got to the point where
they said I needed to stop
because I was looking ill.
Do you feel under pressure
to be a certain size?
I feel I have a responsibility to
look healthy rather than skinny.
What’s your food or drink vice?
Sometimes I get a real sugar craving and
I need a full-fat Coke.
Are you tempted to go veggie or vegan?
If it weren’t for my husband I’d probably
try to be vegan, but you’ve either both
got to be up for it or not because it’s
harder cooking two separate meals.

Laura presents A Place In The Sun
on Channel 4

WORDS: Karmel Doughty PHOTOS: Getty


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Smashed avocado
on sourdough bread
with smoked salmon

Harissa chicken and tabbouleh
salad with an orange and
yoghurt dressing

Salmon fillet
with kale and
corn on the cob

Dry roasted nuts or almonds, sliced
cucumber with peanut butter

“By eating a combination of protein, fibre
and fat, as Laura had for breakfast, she is
taking advantage of the fact that together
they break down slowly in the digestive
tract. The result is reduced hunger for
longer. Salmon and avocado offer protein
and good fats, while there is fibre in the
bread and more in the avocado, too.
“Laura continues with this way of
eating, choosing wholegrains such as
tabbouleh, made with cracked whole
wheat, which is richer in fibre than
simple carbs. She’s also eating plenty
of veg rich in vitamins and minerals, plus
carotenoids that can reduce inflammation.
“Nuts are rich in fibre and are also a
source of protein. She could add an apple
or a plum to help boost nutrients.”

She feels a duty
to look healthy
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