New! Magazine – 19 August 2019

(Romina) #1




Broody Charlotte Dawson has big baby ambitions – but first she’s

got not one, but two huge shows to get cracking on with


he’s no stranger to MTV, having
appeared on Ex On The Beach
and Just Tattoo Of Us – and now
Charlotte Dawson is back, fronting
a new dating show for the channel and
appearing in the first episode of the new
series of Cribs.
The mouthy model, daughter of legendary
comic Les Dawson, reckons she’ll be the new
Cilla Black as she helps contestants find
romance on Love Squad. She also hopes
viewers will be impressed when
they see the glitz and glamour
of her gaff in Cribs.
But what’s happening
behind the cameras?
Smitten Char, 26, is
loved-up with her
“ginger prince”
Matthew Sarsfield,
and she’s thinking
about marriage
and kids.
We caught up with
her to discuss baby
names, engagement
rings and the pressure
of setting up singletons...

Congrats on the new shows, Char!
Hold on, I’m just finishing off my KFC. Wait
a min... [slurps]. Sorry, I’ve swallowed. Yeah,
two chuffing shows. A double whammy!
I’m so excited. It’s gonna be amazing and,
with Love Squad being a full series, you’ll
be seeing me a lot.
What’s your role on Love Squad?
I’m the hostess with the mostess. I’m
presenting the whole thing, plus I help pick a
date for the contestant. Anything could happen
and there’s a lot of responsibility – not just to
pick the right person, but to carry the show.
So, you’re the new Cilla Black!
I am. She would’ve been buzzing for me. I met
WORDS: Sarah Morton PHOTOS: Laura Radford, WennCilla a few years ago when she filmed for my

Char and her
mum Tracy


dad’s hologram show. It was essentially his
last ever TV show and she was a part of it.
She was lovely. We spoke on the phone and
she was so proud of him. The only person
who could possibly be the new Cilla is me.
But what makes you qualified to pick
someone’s date?
Well, everyone needs a bit of Dawson magic,
don’t they? Plus I like to think I’m a good
judge of character. I know straight away
if someone’s not right.
Yeah, but you’ve kissed a few frogs...
Ha, you’re right – but I realised
pretty quickly. Actually, no
I didn’t. I wish I could
take my own advice
sometimes. I’m great
at dishing it out, but I
can’t take my own! But
I have found The One
now. I’ve bought a
house with my little
ginger prince Matthew.
Is this what we’ll be
seeing on Cribs?
No, that will be my mum’s
and my house. We filmed it
before I moved in with Matthew
and it’s perfect. There’s lot of sparkles, glitter
everywhere... It’s dripping with diamonds.
There’s a Dawsy bar and everything.
Remember Mariah Carey’s iconic Cribs
episode, when she sipped champers in the
bath while wearing a towel? Please tell us
we’ll be seeing similar from you...
Oh God, of course you will. Mariah, eat your
heart out! I’m the first episode of the series

  • that’s how good it is. Worthy of the opener!
    Exciting! Meanwhile, you were papped with
    Olivia Attwood last week. How was that?
    It was so random. Liv just messaged me on
    the night and asked if I fancied going out.
    Me and Matthew are trying not to get too
    drunk at the moment, but at bloody midnight
    on Saturday I went to meet her and it was

very messy. We’re like two peas in a pod, me
and Liv. We’re so close, so we have a laugh.
Do you get a lot of attention on nights out
like that?
From men? Oh God no! The only attention
I get is from girls asking me to get a pic
for their boyfriend. Lads like me for my
personality, not my looks! Honestly, Matthew
gets more attention than me on a night out –
the girls love him. So they can all chuff off.
Are you hoping Matthew will propose?
Oh yeah, I keep telling him how lonely my
finger is. I really want to get married, but
we’re clashing about it. He wants to have the
wedding in a hot country, but I need to be
somewhere cold. I get a sweaty upper lip. I
can’t have that in the pictures. Plus the weave
on my head is so heavy it’d be like a radiator.
Can’t you compromise and go for a country
with a mild temperature?
Maybe I could do it in a hot country if it was
in October or something.

With boyfriend
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