New! Magazine – 19 August 2019

(Romina) #1


Ms Dawson has provided
us with countless outrageous
TV moments over the years,
as you can see...


And what sort of engagement ring
would you want?
Oh my God, it’s gotta be the biggest
rock. I do not do things by halves.
To be fair, Matthew is very good at
stuff like that. He likes it when I look
the part. When I have a blow-dry or
I get my nails done, he always notices
and tells me. Likewise, if something
doesn’t look right on me, he’d tell me.
Are you good with taking that?
Normally, but I can still kick off. If I
wanna wear something with a bit of boob
and he doesn’t like it, sorry but f**k off!
And what about babies?
Matthew really wants a baby and so do I.
We’ve already picked our names – Lola and
Noah. We’re not actively trying right now, but
if it happens it happens. He’s The One, we
have a house and we’re in a good place.
So you’re not worried about taking time out
for maternity leave?
Of course not. People make careers out of
having babies. I would do a reality show like
The Mummy Diaries and we’ll call it Dawsy
Does Pregnancy. Imagine my day-to-day life
as a mum. It would be carnage!

Charlotte will appear on Cribs at 8pm and
then Love Squad at 8.30pm on Monday 19
August on MTV

As soon as she arrived she caused a stir on
Ex On The Beach by enjoying a three-way
snog with Gaz Beadle and Olivia Walsh –
all in full view of the cameras, of course.



After guzzling drinks
during filming for
Five Star Hotel
in Greece, Char
stacked it and
chipped her front
tooth. It didn’t stop
her pulling a fellow
guest’s boyfriend
soon after, mind.

Flashing her bits on TV is par for the
course for Charlotte, but when she and
her Ex On The Beach co-stars stripped
off and compared their vaginas, the
nation was understandably shocked.

Always happy to
make an arse of
herself, Char took
things rear-ly far
on one episode of
Celebs Go Dating

  • when she bent
    her date over and
    gave his bare bum
    a massage in the
    middle of a pub.
    As you do.

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