Women’s Running USA – September 2019

(ff) #1

  1. Lying Scorpion

“Proper mobility in the hips and spine, which this move
encourages, will ensure you can safely move through full
range of motion when running on uneven terrain that
requires your joints to work in varied and unique ways,”
says Simone. “If you don’t have that proper mobility, other
joints and muscles could end up overcompensating,
leading to injury.” This is also a great way to bridge the
warm-up and the workout.

DO IT: Start facedown with forehead resting on hands. Lift
right leg off the ground as high as you can and then, rotating
from the hip and bending slightly at the knee, lower leg to
the opposite side of your body, aiming to tap the foot on the
ground. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start.
Complete 2 to 3 sets of 3 to 5 reps per side.

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